A concept car. A 2 door Dodge Charger version of a modern Charger. I made several renders including yellow because of the photos I produced that convinced me to build the model. #dodgecharger #DodgeCharger2Door #DellSweet #RadSandbox #OpenFXModeler #3DModels #GameReadyModels Home: https://www.members.pcgeos.com
Wendell Sweet
Wendell Sweet16 hours ago I have been working on the 2 door Charger build I uploaded the photos for. It isn’t done yet or added to Rad Sandbox, but I will upload a video when I do, Dell. Home: https://www.members.pcgeos.com
Land Build – 11-11-24 Part 2
The second part of the Land Build I started on 11-11-24. I will finish up the land model, smooth it and test it and then do a lot of tweaking on it until I am satisfied with it. I will also set-up the El Camino and test it, and also add sound and tire dust…
Creating Stunning Landscapes with OFX
Today I wanted to make a landscape to serve three purposes. First to show how easy it is to do in OFX and second, so I have a desert looking landscape to add the El Camino to and drive it around. And third? Well, Horvi likes hilly terrain so he will probably use it for…
El Camino 4
This is a two-model package. An El Camino type project. This is not to specs, none of my models are and I do that so there are no licensing issues. This is rendered in Direct X and it is compressed. This model includes two different versions and includes all of the image maps and graphics…
El Camino 3
#3DModels #3DGameBuilds #radsandbox Taking my time on this build as I have several new release novels I am slowly working on finishing, plus links, plus website work and a plethora of DR visits this last week. I haven’t worked on it much this week and here it is Thursday already. I do like the way…
NFS-01 Track and Land
Oct 22, 2024 #radsandbox #3dbuild #3dmodeling A quick build I did for this track in Open FX. Open FX does have a spline tool, so it is easy to build your road, sides and even Landscape and then just build your track. After the build I split the files into separate files and that way…
New Dirt Track 01
This is a dirt track I built over the last few months and finally finished. It is hand built, not modular or BTB. I built it to test out some fade pieces of road texture. Once started I wanted to finish it, but I have a habit of never finishing unless I set a goal,…
Chrysler minivan 3D model
#3DModels #ChryslerMiniVan #VanModel The Mini Van I built to be able to build the Mini van pickup build. This is built in OFX and the UV work was done in Ultimate Unwrap. The render was done in Rad Sandbox. 3DModels #ChryslerMiniVan #VanModel #RadSandbox #UltimateUnwrap Wendell Sweet Like it? Check it out here: Chrysler Mini Van…
A new Military model build
I built another military model yesterday and today. I based this somewhat off the work I did on the AMC Gremlin truck. This was enjoyable to build and I added it to Rad Sandbox to take it for a ride. #radsandbox #gamemodel #3dmodels #3ddesign Home: https://www.pcgeos.com