I put in several more hours of work. It is coming along, Dell. #3dmodels #3dgamebuilds #openfxmodeler #ultimateunwrap #modelbuild #radsandbox Open FX Modeler: https://pcgeos.com/product/3d-modeler/ Rad Sandbox: https://pcgeos.com/product/rad-sandbox/ Home: https://www.members.pcgeos.com
Scout Prototype
Wendell Sweet #Scout#Prototype#3dmodelsWorking on my own Scout Prototype. I have the body pretty much done, a lot of tweaking, smoothing and so on and then I will put it in Rad Sandbox and take it for a ride. #Scout#Prototype#3dmodels#automobile#radsandbox#openfxmodeler#3dgamebuildsWendell Sweet40 subscribersVideosAboutShow less https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVEH0ZI2HBW9pVqXlVzRFw/community?lb=UgkxDhTo09BgajmHHgVvOCy3HRhxyKt-lxrQ Wendell Sweet 4 hours ago So I am working on a Scout…
Learning 3D modeling conversion
This is a 5 hour video series of me snagging a model, taking it from a 42 MG unusable model (Too large to use in a video game) to a 7.5 MG model. Building the material list using Ultimate Unwrap, groups, bones, image maps/skins and then adding it to Rad Sandbox and building 2 new…
Wastelands TT Demo and Download
Wastelands TT Demo and Download This is the demo of the Wastelands TT Van/Truck running on the Baja track. The demo is downloadable simply by clicking the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p_b2MUxxgBKOnyQDQhql2bkmKgAgAccT/view?usp=sharing #3dmodels #3dgamebuilds #3dDemo #RadSandbox #openfxmodeler #DellSweet Home: https://www.members.pcgeos.com
Old School 70s Challenger
This is a scale model build of a seventy’s era dodge challenger. Although a scaled model, it is not built to specs. This is a Seventies based old school Dodge Challenger like model. It is designed in the Open FX Modeler and is skinned in Ultimate Unwrap (UV Work). It includes all graphics and UV…
New Models added
Christine A Direct X compressed format version of Christine. Contains 2 models, one burned and one pristine. 3DGame Builder Software, #3DGame Building, #3DGames, #Car Models, #Software Wastelands Concept Caddy An awesome look at a Wastelands concept car I built for a game Demo I am working on. #3DGame Builder Software, #3DGame Building, #3DGames, #3DModeling, #Car…
Apocalyptic City build update
The third phase of this city build is building all the apocalyptic props, cars, pavement, and of course the off-road stuff too, which is not yet done. Today it is vehicles and a building that was a freebie (for a reason) I had to do about a half hour of work to make it usable….
Building an apocalyptic City
Building an apocalyptic city. I have yet to build a full-blown apocalyptic city so I’m beginning one. This will be comprised of a destroyed city that includes debris, wrecked cars and melts into an apocalyptic wasteland with abandoned guard towers… #3dbuild #radsandbox #openfxmodeler #3dmodels #WendellSweet
1962 Cadillac Final Build
The final part three of the 1962 Cadillac. I finished the model build and took it to Ultimate Unwrap and did all of the UV work. After that I added it to Rad Sandbox and then made a demo you can download for free and play. I hope you enjoyed the build. Download the demo,…
Wasteland cars
Wastelands – 01 A Wastelands car. This car, like most Wastelands cars is resurrected from the wrecking yard and scrap piles that sill remain in the destroyed land that once was America. #3DModels #DellSweet #Cars #Wastelands Wastelands 02 A wastelands ride that is built with parts from a muscle car. Lifted. Big tires and off-road-capabilities….